Sunday, July 29, 2007

Fourth Meeting Questions

Looking back at the list of your positive characteristics and qualities, what do you feel and realize about it?

My positive characteristics is friendly but it's not being some kind of friend that others do like they approach already to ask you something. Mine is better than others because I only aproach someone that I already see his/her attitudes and last when other approaches me i'm friendly and talkative but other says that i'm suplado but that's true but why i'm like that because ayoko ng away hehe but i'm approachable and friendly when you talk to me. But i'm still lack in experiences that's why I like studying in MCL to do more exciting and learn more good values.

"The Golden Rule says "Do unto others as you would have others than unto you."

A. Given the following situations, how would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates:

When you have given wrong answers to the questions during the recitation?

I'll expect that they will understand because everyone is committing mistakes.hehe

When you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion?

I hope that they will think logically because my opinions are out of the world but in some point my opinions are true hehe that's how I think.

When you are giving suggestions during your group work or presentation?

During on those situations they always agree what I said because I think before I act or suggest but sometimes I'm not like god that is always right that's why sometimes I'm wrong.

When you commit a mistake?

Like I said earlier everyone is committing mistakes that's why when I commit mistake don't just laugh at me instead help me and make my mistake to be a right.

When you don't like doing what they ask you to do?

Don't judge me because that's how I do it. Except sometimes in work like my father said to me, in work you do not ask questions but you follow only.

When they want to give you comments or suggestions?

In somewhat reasons it is obvious that if you're in a group you are privileged to have an comments or suggestions.hehe

B. Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with respect, what can you commit to yourself in terms dealing with MCL community: teachers, students, employees, security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?

In somewhat reasons we need to respect them because they only do what they only right to do to their works and I'll try to avoid conflicts dealing with the whole MCL community.

Third Meeting Questions

Remarks for the MCL Administrations

On my observation to the security on MCL it was very good because only MCl students or administrators can enter the campus and not even the Mapua students can enter the campus. We have an electronic device in our I.D. that we can access in or out in the campus.

Write a reflection about one of your significant classroom experiences during the past few days at MCL.

For me my first unforgetabble is when the first orientation on professors in our classroom because I was shock that one of the students there is married and they have children. When we meet Mr Dc in the orientation last june 8,2007 he is funny and energetic and not boring, then when we grab the news is one of our professors we are happy and exited. But even all my professors were all kind. That's why I enjoy studying in MCL.

Second Meeting Questions

How was my first week of stay at MCL?

First I was too quiet and I'm not friendly because it is obvious that I'm not yet familiar in this school but I'm amazed that our school is so large and the facilities is too great that's why I enjoy my self. When the orientation of the subjects I met already some classmates they where too friendly but me at first I’m shy but when I spoke to them I didn't realize that I’m not shy at all because of their kindness to me. When I met our teachers first I was nervous but after days past I felt happy because the teachers are approachable and kind also. My favorite is Sir DC because he is like a comedian. About my course it was not bad because I’m once to be an 1st year at letran calamba I take there is computer engineering but I said to my self that it’s to much for me so I change course. When I take accountancy in MCL it’s so interesting because the subjects are not stressful because its balance. For my adjustment it’s easy because in college life it is more exciting because you have a lot of time but the subjects are difficult.

How would you like your first year in college? What specifically you have to do to achieve these desires?

In my first year in college I was so exited and together I'm so nervous because I will meet other new classmates and professors. I like to finish my college to have a better job in the future and have a job that an accountancy student like me will dream off. I can achieve this desire by using great understanding and Knowledge.

First Meeting Questions

How does Values Education work to your advantage?

Values Education could be an advantage for me because we are lucky to have an advantage in life because like in animals they don't have values them selves that's why we take over and take care for them. But somethimes we have misunderstundings or wrong decisions. That's why we need more guidance.

After you have processed your first few experiences at MCL, in what way this help you achieve successful advantage in college?

I'll use the advantage to get more high grades and to satisfy myself i have a good values in myself. but especially when you talk to the teachers or other people you'll use good and right words. For me the values is the greatest weapon to achieve our goals.